Form 51B
Courts of Justice Act
response to request to admit
(General heading)
response to request to admit
In response to your request to admit dated (date), the (identify party responding to the request):
1. Admits the truth of facts numbers .........................
2. Admits the authenticity of documents numbers .........................
3. Denies the truth of facts numbers .........................
4. Denies the authenticity of documents numbers .........................
5. Refuses to admit the truth of facts numbers ......................... for the following reasons: (Set out reason for refusing to admit each fact.)
6. Refuses to admit the authenticity of documents numbers ......................... for the following reasons: (Set out reason for refusing to admit each document.)
(Date) |
(Name, address and telephone number of solicitor or party serving response) |
TO (Name and address of solicitor or party on whom response is served)
RCP-E 51B (November 1, 2005)